Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer 2013

Going to try to sum up our summer in one post.. so here goes!
Meet my obsession- Instagram  Merging housework with a fun app? Works for me! 
OKC 4th of July celebration 

Snuggling with Anna 

Beautiful cake I found on Pinterest. Pretty nerve-racking to make, but in the end it turned out okay! 

Totally sinful 

Hiking with Daddy 

At the movies at Lifechurch.tv 

Photoshoot for my Etsy Shop- VMM 

NO WAY !! 

But we can dogsit for my Uncle! Meet Bear- he's a sweetheart 

yummy eats 

Fun at the pool 

My nephew Grant & Ryder out catching grasshoppers… totally a boy thing. Mama says,  "ewww"

Ryder not sure about the lizard "smelling" him 

Riding a poor old tortoise 

Nothing like a nice mud fight between siblings 

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